Best fantasy book about teddy bears for young adults, children and adults. A fiction that's based on non-fiction.

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Welcome to STS School Club: Henderson

Class of 2013

Mr. Henderson presented several students with Secret Teddy Society: Breaking The Code.

Here are their comments.
  Caution: Spoiler Alerts
Some of the comments divulge details in the book that may spoil the plot or surprise.
Ally: Secret Teddy Society is a great book. It was fun to read, but some of the vocabulary was hard. This is a book that I very much enjoyed reading. :) I liked the part when Waldo faced the Zombie bears and also when he and Bobby Bear would come to life when the house was empty. I think the vocabulary was a 6th or 7th grade level and I think it would be easier to read if you either explained in the book what it meant or used an easier word.

I think you should really write a sequel because the books are really cool and you say in the last sentence of the book that there are more adventures around the corner. I think you should write about Waldo and Bobby Bear's family traveling and they get lost and meet new bears with different cultures. Also, my 3rd grade brother thinks the book looks interesting and wants to read it next.
I'm glad my teacher gave it to me to read.

Callista: I LOVED THE BOOK! It was my favorite book out of everything I have read. I liked that Waldo and Bobby Bear liked... no LOVED ice cream and milk. And marshmallows. The book made ME believe in Teddy Bears! I have one question though, where did you get the idea to write a book about teddy bears? Anyways, I think that the book doesn't have any parts that I didn't understand. It was good for a fifth grader in my opinion. Is it okay if I could have a sneak peak on the next book? The parts that I liked were when the zombie bears were trying to say "I'm going to take all your stuffing" in a nice way! I also liked when Waldo ran in front of the dog to help his friends get out of the dumpster. It really shows true friendship. I loved the character Bobbie and how she believed they were real from the beginning. But, the funniest part was when Waldo stuck his tongue out at Tiffany at show and tell and she said "......Blah blah blah..-Tongue." I hope you add some new characters to the second book and I really enjoyed the first book!
Emme: Altogether the book was great. I didn't want to put the book down. I got confused when the book switched perspectives in the beginning then after a page or two I got it. The best or memorable parts would have to be the chapter that has Chompers in it. The part when James took the bears to the school. When the bears had ice cream for the first time, the zombie bear chapter. Last of all would have to be the ending. I liked how you left suspense at the end of the book. I can't wait to read the sequel when it's done.
  Below, is a design from Ally. Her inspiration became a reality.
  Ally and Callista posing with Bobby Bear and Waldo.
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Discover the best teddy bear adventure story for young-adults, children and adults that ever wondered about their own teddy bear. Zombie bears and Were-bears help create one of the most original and creative stories for adults and children alike.